A Podcast that focuses on exposing and correcting current Christian/Church dogmas, teachings, misconceptions, and scripture interpretations; while using the Bible as the correcting tool.
Podcasting since 2023 • 28 episodes
Latest Episodes
Christian Capsules: Season 3 Capsule 7: What is Christianity?
Today’s Capsule is a about what Christianity is verses what we see in America today.
Season 3
Episode 7

Christian Capsules: Season 3 Capsule 6: Spontaneous-Christian Poem
This is a Poem about Christianity that will really make you think. I happen to think it is the state of American Christianity.
Season 3
Episode 6

Christian Capsules: Season 3 Capsule 5: New Years Hot Mic Forgiveness
Today’s Capsule is a New Years Hot Mic I want to concentrate on forgiveness, then I will give you a status update on existing and upcoming things.
Season 3
Episode 5

Christian Capsules: Season 3 Capsule 4: Holiday Hot Mic
Today we are talking about self-examination in reference to being conceited/ Prideful. Today's topic is taken from one of the verses of the day this week: Romans 12:16.
Season 3
Episode 4

Christian Capsules: Season 3 Capsule 3: Apologetics (Love Whomever?)
Being able to debate or defend the faith is reliant on one’s ability to know scripture and the context therein. This is Apologetics. The newest, and one of the largest debates, is the argument of homosexual relationship love....
Season 3
Episode 3