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Christian Capsules Season 3 Capsule 2: Battle Readiness (Mindset)
We are at war with an invisible spiritual enemy. Before we can even battle we need to be at Battle Readiness (Mindset). This Capsule is about the way we as Christians need to be ready for war.
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Make no mistake Christians, we are in a battle. The end of the Church age is near, and we are in a war zone. For us there is no demilitarized zone or DMZ. There is no place we can go to escape war. It’s been brought to our doorsteps.
Accepting this reality is the very beginning of having a battle-ready mindset.
We must prepare our minds to accept this fact. Ephesians 6:10-17 tells us to put on armor of God. Soldiers put on armor. We are soldiers on a battlefield.
But let me back up a sec. Why are we even at war? How do we know we are at war?
Revelation Chapter 12 verse 12b,17: Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has only a short time.”
17 So the dragon was enraged with the woman and went off to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.
So, we can see that the Devil has wrath because he was cast down to earth, while knowing he has only a short time left before judgement. He also has more wrath because he was enraged at the woman (Israel) and because we keep the commandments of Jesus. So, the devil is wrathful, and we keep the commandments of Jesus. So, he went to make war with us.
It is official, we are at war with Satan and his angels. Preparing your mind to accept this reality is beneficial so that the enemy’s attacks do not catch us off guard.
What is involved in a war?
Well, it starts with troops on both sides. On Satan side he has legions of dark angels, and unbelievers to aid him in his conquest over humanity. On our side we have Jesus and his angels, but we also have each other-the church. Knowing who is on our side is Battle preparedness.
The capabilities of our enemy?
Our enemy is conniving and deceiving, murderous and a liar. Satan has any ability that God allows him to have. In the book of Job, God allowed the enemy to kill Jobs kids, take away his wealth and to inflict Job with head-to-toe blistering boils. All of this is while having God restricting Satan from killing Job. Also note that the enemy is not restricted to just the things above. His greatest capability is temptation. Satan’s leash is as long as God allows, and it can be long. The devil is an archangel Cherubim. If he can have the means to tempt Jesus, then of course he can use those tools on us.
No attempt in fighting the enemy starts without a plan of action. Everyone needs a briefing on what the plan is so it can be executed.
Our plan of action should look like this:
1) Read the scriptures often, meditate on it, memorize it (for this is your battlefield briefing).
2) Pray to God continually – while being sure to confess your sins daily and ask God to give you strength.
3) Listen to the Holy Spirit who is your Commander on coms.
All these things should be part of your battlefield plan.
The thought of war or battle can strike fear in most people. Fear has the power to freeze you causing severe distress and anxiety. Fear, when nurtured, can be more powerful than the battle itself.
In 2Kings Chapter 6 we see that Gehazi (Elisha’s servant) experiences this very fear.
Tell the story of Gehazi.
King Aram made plans to overtake the King of Israel in a certain place, but God told Elisha the plans of King Aram. So, Elisha leaked King Aram’s plans to the King of Israel. And the King of Israel was able to guard against it. This happened more than a few times. So, the king of Aram was mad as you know what. He questioned his clan trying to find who the rat was in his camp. One of the King’s servants snitched on Elisha. So, King Aram sent an army of horses and chariots during the night to Elisha and his servant in Dothan.
When morning came, Gehazi went out of the house and saw they the king’s army was circling the city. Gehazi in fear asked his master what should they do?
As you can see, this is understandable fear. They faced what seemed to be unsurmountable odds. However, Elisha replies with the famous line “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
Then Elisha prayed that Gehazi’s eyes be opened, and they were. Gehazi saw that the mountain was full of chariots of fire at the ready. You know the rest of the story.
We are all Gehazi at some point. We all have fear in the spiritual battle with Satan. Whether that fear is realized in the thought of telling people about Christ, standing up for what is holy, or defending the gospel at the risk of losing your job. Either way that fear can be polarizing. By having battle readiness, you can head off that fear by praying like Elisha did. Pray to God to take away your fear and give you courage. For the force behind you is more in number and more powerful than they that be with Satan and his demons speaking fear to you. God will guide you through fear and stand with you in battle like he did with Elisha and Gehazi.
Lastly, soldiers have a hard time with emotional stress when under battlefield conditions. To combat that we need to lean on our fellow Christian brethren for support and encouragement. That’s what they are there for.
Remember Matthew 18:20: 20 For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”
Constantly being mindful of the world-you cannot see; is the biggest advantage you have in keeping a battle-ready mindset.
This is the end of Season 3 Capsule #2
My name is Jermaine Ferrell, and I’ll talk to you next time
Que the outro Music.