A Podcast that focuses on exposing and correcting current Christian/Church dogmas, teachings, misconceptions, and scripture interpretations; while using the Bible as the correcting tool.
Christian Capsules Season 3 Capsule 1: Premier
Today we start Season 3 with the release of my Christian Capsules Book Release, future projects, Season 3 topics and a quick word on Christians and this election.
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Fixing Christianity one dose at a time.
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Fixing Christianity One dose at a time---Que the intro:
Welcome to Christian capsules Season 3 Capsule #1
Here we are Fixing Christianity One dose at a time.
All scripture is read from NASB 95 Edition.
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Welcome Back Everyone!
It’s been 6 months, and I apologize, it’s been so long, but I needed a break after the book release in July.
Speaking of book release, my book titled “Christian Capsules” has been released on Amazon in three formats. Kindle, Amazon colored Paperback and a beautiful black Hardcover.
For those who don’t know, Christian Capsules book is somewhat the extended version of this podcast. The book covers some of the past topics that we have covered on this podcast. However, the book adds extra topics and goes deep. With the book you’re looking at 14 chapters, 150 pages and some ancient language goodies. I must note that while we covered some of the chapters here on the podcast, the script is usually a few pages long, most of the chapters in the book nearly double that.
So go to Amazon.com and search Christian Capsules and buy your copy today.
Now, concerning future projects.
The near future will see the release of my first novel titled “Unclean Spirit”, and while I can’t get into what the story is, be rest assured that the story is being crafted to include as much realism and truth to the Bible as I can. I can also say that the story does have principalities and powers in it. We can look toward that early in 2025.
On the heels of the novel comes another non-fiction called “Mastyr of Phrenzy”; more on this book in a future Capsule.
That will round out the near future projects for now, there is rumblings of a commentary series lurking about, but we will see.
Now I want to get into what season 3 looks like and the topics we will be covering.
Season 3 will be based on the theme called “Resisting the Devil and his Angels.”
Capsules episodes this season will include, but not limited to, these topics:
-Defend against temptation
-Apologetics (Defending the Bible)
-Effective Prayer
-Gearing up (Armor)
-How to use the Sword of the Spirit
-Survival techniques
-Battle readiness (Mindset)
Now, I will not be limited Season 3 to just these topics, also included are hot mics, interviews and some current Christian News that might need addressing.
Speaking of news that might need addressing, is this biz of Christian division because of the election.
Let me speak on this real quick.
Here we go again, another election and Christians have lost their minds. Satan has achieved what he wanted – a church divided. This is exactly what Jesus does not want.
What did Jesus say in Matthew chapter 12? He said, “a Kingdom divided cannot stand.” While he was referring to Satan in that instance, the same is true nonetheless for the Church. You cannot hate your brother because he thinks differently than you. We were never called to campaign for politicians. Instead, you should have been campaigning for Jesus. When did you ever see Jesus or the apostles campaigning or championing a cause for a ruler or dictator. Jesus was never involved in that, he was involved with changing the hearts of mankind. That’s the only way to stop a sinner from doing sin. They have to first be converted. And that is done with a loving heart.
Christians 1John calls us to love our brethren. You cannot preach that and not walk that walk. You must practice what you preach; non-believers are watching. Did not Paul say be blameless in front of people. Anyone remember Philippians Chapter 2? Stop following talking points. Be sincere and concern yourself about justice of everyone, read Amos chapter 5 or Isiaah Chapter 1 where the Lord says:
“Learn to do right; seek justice.
Defend the oppressed.[a]
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
plead the case of the widow.
Finally, when you make your bed, you must lay in it. God according to Romans 1 will leave you to your own depravity if you push hard enough.
Israel wanted a king like all the other nations when the Lord said I am your King. That wasn’t good enough for them, they wanted to put their trust in a human. So God gave them what they wanted.
Christians today have developed that same King Saul Syndrome. And we all know what happened to Him.
My name is Jermaine Ferrell and I’ll talk to you next time
Que the outro Music.