Christian Capsules Season 2 Capsule 8: Witchcraft

Jermaine Ferrell Season 2 Episode 8

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Today we take a dive into the fantastical and rising phenom that is Witchcraft.

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Fixing Christianity One dose at a time---Que the intro:


Welcome to Christian capsules Season 2 Capsule #8: Witchcraft

Here we are Fixing Christianity One dose at a time.

All scripture is read from NASB 95 Edition.

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Housekeeping: My Resume.

Some on reddit was asking me about my resume regarding my Christian Capsules.  So, I want to address that real quick.

I am a child of God that has the Holy Spirit, period. that is enough.  

However, I am also a Liberty U and a Rawlings School of Divinity Alum.  I am A Stephen Minister as well as a 4 time Author and now podcaster.

Now lets get into the crux of the topic.


The story:

The other day CBS news had a story about 50 or more people (suspected of witchcraft) in Tombua, Angola was forced to drink a mysterious liquid. All of them died.

Apparently, the community was trying to prove that these 50 plus people were witches.  The local healers are the ones who concocted the drink.

I’m not going to tell you everything about witches and witchcraft, I’m just going to tell you enough about it to make you familiar with whats going on with it.

Witchcraft Fascination:

I tell you this because it seems lately that the world is full of fascination in regard to witchcraft.  From the influencer” on Instagram, Facebook groups and WitchTokers; to singers, movies, books and shows.

In fact, Netflix has no less than twelve witchcraft shows let alone movies.  Most of these shows paint witchcraft as a fantastical fun journey into mastering nature or achieving some sort of superhero status (scarlet witch anyone?).


Witchcraft is one of the fastest-growing spiritual paths in America.

From NBC News article Oct. 30, 2022: 

In 1990, Trinity College in Connecticut estimated there were 8,000 adherents of Wicca. In 2008, the U.S. Census Bureau figure was 342,000. A 2014 Pew Research Center study increased that projection several times over in assessing that 0.4% of Americans identified as pagan, Wiccan or New Age. (Most modern pagan worship, of which Wicca is one type, draws on pre-Christian traditions in revering nature.) By 2050, it said, the number of Americans practicing “other religions” — faiths outside Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism — would triple “due largely to switching into other religions (such as Wicca and pagan religions).”


Witchcraft is no game:

While people toy or are playing around with witchcraft, the reality of the dark art is dangerous frightening.  

Witchcraft must be understood what it is and what is the allure.  

What is the definition of witchcraft:  

Merriam-Webster defines Witchcraft as a practice of sorcery or magic. Second def. communication with the devil or with a familiar.

The third def. rituals and practices that incorporate belief in magic and that are associated especially with neo-pagan traditions and religions (such as Wicca).

The Oxford Dictionary says: the practice of magic, especially for evil purposes; the use of spells. says: the art or practices of a witch; sorcery or magical influence; magic, especially for evil purposes:

Categories and Practice:

A witch is a person who practices witchcraft, sorcery or magic.  A Warlock is a male witch.

Witchcraft falls under many categories or names, such as : Voodoo, sorcery, Wicca, paganism, folk magic and other New Age traditions.

I know that some witches claim to be good or white, grey, green sex witches and etc… But be assured they are all witches.

Let me explain.  A witch is someone who elicits supernatural power from spirits, demons essentially.  I know that some gray or white witches claim to only glean power from nature, let me tell you for fact there is no power outside of God, angels and or demons.  Fallen angels are called demons.  The one who successfully practices the craft solicits power using the occult from demons.  Demons may confuse the witch into thinking they are only using the nature, but again it’s the demon the confusing and granting of the power.

Understand this if nothing else.  

Demons hate humans. They absolutely loathe us.  They want to destroy the very thing that will bring tears to the Carpenter’s eyes.  If demons can empower a few to destroy the many, you better believe they will.  However, the destruction to the wielder is even greater.  A witch is looking at constant degradation to their soul, their flesh, demon possession, death and ultimately hell, lake of fire.  


History of Witchcraft:


Witchcraft goes back as far as the early days of the Bible, yes, even the very beginning of humanity's time on earth.  The allure to wield power has existed for a very long time.  

Our desire to wield supernatural power has roamed the ages. 

Although Witchcraft was always a thing, it rose to prominence during the middle and dark ages.  Some say witchcraft was responsible for the black plague, that wiped out more than 25 million people in Europe.

During that time the Spanish inquisition was commissioned to deter and prevent heresy and witchcraft.  Unfortunately, the inquisition really only was a torturing belt of the church; sent to punish anyone who didn’t confirm to Catholic belief during the Spanish monarchy.

Next up we have Salem Witch trials 1692, Salem, Massachusetts.  I’m sure we all are aware of that dark time in history.  200 were accused of witchcraft and 20 were murdered.  Few were actually proven to be witches. Many were just young women who where learning how to manipulate herbs to heal and cook.

And now in 2024 we still have many countries active in the practice of witchcraft.

These include but are not limited to:

Haiti (Probably one of the worse on this list.

Romania, Mexico, Chile, South Africa, Philippines, Saudi Arabia (there called Sorcerers) and here in the US.

Tools of the Witch:

Ouija Board, Amulets, potions, cauldrons, tarot cards and many other manners of things.  But the most important thing are Grimoires aka spell books like the “Red Book” Keys of Solomon, The Magus etc…  

These books are diabolical in nature.  They are mostly written in blood on parchment paper or human or animal skin, and they contain sigils and seals with angelic, Hebrew or phonecian script; constructed and designed in a way that if performed properly, will bring about a manifestation of a demon  or demons and bound that demon to either grant powers, curses, or knowledge to the would be conjurer..  These books can also instruct on how to make amulets and charms, and also how to understand the order of the celestial realm, the Spirit realm.  A deep knowledge in the Kabalah, occult, sigils and seals are required. But that is not all that is needed.  To be a very successful witch you will need to kill something, and a baby or your toddler’s death will grant you the greatest and fasted path to witchcraft conjuring.


Powers of the Witch:

Things that emulate from a witch are, but not limited to: fake cures, spells, conjuring’s, illusions, weather anomalies, disease, Chaos Magic, reality-warping, telekinesis, psychic defenses, and a conjuring of familiars (a demon hanging with a witch-usually in animal form, doing biddings until the demon decides the witch is no longer useful to them.)

What does God say about it?
Read Exodus, Leviticus, Micah, Acts and Revelation.

Again, this was not meant to be a course on witchcraft but just a introduction.  As a Christian, we have to be aware of this resurgence of the witchcraft phenomena.  Paul the apostle had to go against in his day; especially against a witch named Simon (Go read Acts).

Now we have to battle this in 2024.  The fallout of witchcraft can lead to a massive amount of possessions, curses, disease and 1st and 2nd deaths.  We need to pay strict attention to God’s stern warning and dispense that warning to others that we may know who are headed that way.  I am keenly aware of someone like that in my own family.  

Go back and listen to my Season 1 episode 6 Capsule.  To learn about a Christian turned witch named Johann Faust.

Christians keep your faith up.

My name is Jermaine Ferrell and I’ll talk to you next time.  

Que the outro Music.