A Podcast that focuses on exposing and correcting current Christian/Church dogmas, teachings, misconceptions, and scripture interpretations; while using the Bible as the correcting tool.
Christian Capsule Season 2 Capsule 6: Bible Illiterate
Today we are talking about Christians who are Bible illiterate; who are basically Bible stupid.
Fixing Christianity one dose at a time.
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Fixing Christianity One dose at a time---Que the intro:
Welcome to Christian capsules Season 2 Capsule #6
Here we are Fixing Christianity One dose at a time.
All scripture is read from NASB 95 Edition.
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Today’s Point - Problem
Today we are talking about Christians who are Bible illiterate, who are basically Bible stupid.
How do we know about the Problem?
Christians today, especially in American Churches, are Bible illiterate and Satan is licking his fingers.
Stats (Christianity Today April 2022)
STATS CONT. (Christian Post wrote:)
"All the research indicates that biblical literacy in America is at an all-time low,"
Berding, professor of New Testament at Biola's Talbot School of Theology,
More Stats
Fewer than half of all adults can name the four gospels.
60% of Americans can't name even five of the Ten Commandments.
Jesus himself established how important it is to know the scriptures:
First, when setting the record straight; talking about the resurrection.
In Matthew 22, Jesus is being setup from the Sadducees who don’t know about the resurrection. Jesus sets them straight by saying that because you don’t know the Scriptures, you underestimate the power of God to resurrect.
Matthew 22:29
29 But Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God.
Second, when Jesus is tempted by the devil, Jesus quotes Scriptures back to ward off Satan. What’s important to note, is that Satan initially quotes scripture to Jesus, but Jesus knowing the scriptures and proper context of scriptures, counters Satan with the proper use of scripture while applying its purpose.
Matthew Chapter 4 gives discourse on how Jesus battles Satan’s temptations in scripture knowledge and interpretation, in which Jesus emerges the victor.
We know that Christians are not reading their Bibles, by the sheer volume of ignorant Christians walking around in America.
The Dangers of Being Bible literate: Christians
1) Not able to get the help that the word provides for daily struggles.
a. Not knowing what God says about how to deal with anxiety or fear or depression or even daily bread.
2) Not knowing how to use the Word to fight off temptation like Jesus did.
a. Remember Ephesians 6 The Armor of God.
3) Not being able to witness or preach the Gospel effectively.
a. Can’t spread seed if your bag is empty.
4) Not being able to identify with Characters of the Bible who share similar if not same struggles that you struggle with.
a. Ex. Like Elijah suffering from Depression, experiencing highs and lows but God takes Elijah from a suicide mentality to giving him purpose and showing him love.
b. Or that David murdered and lied to get what he wanted. Yet God is a forgiving God.
c. How about the prodigal son story, how the Father is always there with open arms waiting for his Children to return to him even after being rebellious and hateful to God.
5) Not understanding the love of God. By not knowing the entire Jesus story (Old and New Testaments) we have zero idea about the love the Father has for us; the bible is God’s love letter to his creation. And it’s that love, that is critical for Salvation.
6) The Health of the Church is in danger, if most of the American Church is illiterate, the health of the Church is dismal.
7) Prayer suffers greatly, if you’re ignorant of the Scriptures. It’s the scriptures that teach us, through the Spirit, how to pray.
8) The defense of the Gospel; Apologetics (one of my majors).
a. Remember what Peter said: “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”
9) Be deceived by false prophets/teachers.
a. People like Joel Osteen can easily deceive you because you don’t know the truth.
10) You can’t help each other through tough times without the word. The Word teaches you how to minister to others in need.
a. I’m a Stephen Minister and I know from personal experience that the Word is invaluable in helping others who are going through difficult times.
How did this happen?
This has become a serious problem amongst Christians, mainly American Christians. It seems that we are extremely lazy when it comes to reading the Bible; but why? Why are so lazy when it comes to reading the Bible?
It’s because we are comfortable not doing any more than the bare minimum and most times below that. And that has to do with these reasons.
1) We do not have the first love for the Lord.
2) We are not letting the Holy Spirit run our lives.
3) God and his ways are not important to us.
4) We are not interested in Salvation for others; only ourselves.
5) Satan has done a work on us, getting us to
How do we fix it?
If your serious about wanting to experience God’s love and transfer that love to others then we need to do these things.
- We need to redevelop a love for God and His Word.
o Remember what Psalm 1 says:
§ But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
3 He will be like a tree firmly planted by [b]streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season
And its [c]leaf does not wither;
And [d]in whatever he does, he prospers.
- So start praying that the Lord will give you the love and fervor to read and understand his Word.
- Start listening to the Holy Spirit when it prompts you to read and don’t say “nah Ill do it another time, or not right now.”
- Put yourself in the company of fellow believers who actually read the scripture; ask them to pray for you and to show you how to read.
- And then once you begin to read the Bible again ; Dedicate yourself to reading and memorizing scripture. This will help you with those dangers of being Bible illiterate.
- Keep distractions to a minimum. Put yourself in a reading environment.
- Also study historical context so your appreciation will grow, by realizing the true interpretation of scripture.
- Lastly, Get to a church where the Bible is read from and the Sermon is taught from the Bible. This will help create a thirst for the “living water.”
Do these things and you will be growing in sanctification and that growth will spill out to others.
My name is Jermaine and I’ll talk to you next time.
Que the outro: