A Podcast that focuses on exposing and correcting current Christian/Church dogmas, teachings, misconceptions, and scripture interpretations; while using the Bible as the correcting tool.
Christian Capsules Season 2 Capsule 2: No Excuse for Denying God
Scripture tells us that come judgement day we will not have an excuse for denying God. His power and divine nature have clearly been seen, by understanding what has been made.
Fixing Christianity one dose at a time.
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Fixing Christianity one dose at a time Que the intro:
Welcome to Christian capsules Season 2 Capsule 2
All scripture is read from NASB 95 Edition.
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Main Theme: No excuse for denying God
Scripture tells us that come judgement day we will not have an excuse for denying God.
And because of this we will not be able to use the “I didn’t know God existed” defense on Judgement day. Pretending not know God will not stay his wrath, which is the eternal separation from God and the lake of fire. Nothing on that day can save you from it if you keep denying God.
Romans 1:18-20 says this:
18) For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,
19) because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.
20) For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.
Paul is saying here that everyone on earth can know the existence of God. While you may not know his name is Yahweh and be versed in scripture, you do know that the Ancient of days does exist. He made it evident, Verse 19. And Verse 20 says His power and divine nature have clearly been seen, by understanding what has been made.
Major Point
So what Paul is saying is that Atheists have zero excuse. Even people who once thought they believed and now say they don’t have zero excuse. WOW!
Just let that marinate for a sec. You do know God exists, because its all around you in his creation.
We all know people who don’t believe or once did and now do not anymore.
Their reasons could be:
Could be because a loved one died, and it seemed as if God didn’t answer their prayers.
Or maybe its because their life is so depressing, and God’s love is not felt.
Or Maybe because of death and suffering in this world has make people look to unbelief. Because the rational is how can a loving God allow all of this? So Clearly he doesn’t exist.
I get it and I can see how people can feel that way.
However, I must tell you God does exist, and it is evident in creation, we just need to take a min. to examine it—To see if God’s divine attributes are in creation.
Let’s consider something easy. Look at the solar system. In our system called SOL the planets revolve around Star, a light source called the Sun. The sun does not move from its location. Its steady and constant and provides the everything the Earth needs to sustain life on the planet. The remember the planets and the moons rotate around the Sun, it’s the center of focus, everything that happens to earth is based on the Sun.
Now, isn’t that what Jesus is to us? Isn’t the Son of God the centered focus of our lives? Everything in our life should revolve around Jesus. He is the constant stable light in our lives. Everything good (life, love, joy, peace) comes from this centered light force. The Son of God is a light amid darkness, just as the Sun is for the planets in the darkness of space.
Marinate on that.
Let’s do another one.
The trees, grass and plants-- consider how they act during the seasons. A tree depending on the season, lives then dies and is reborn again to blossom even more and bigger than previously. And its not of its own accord it does this, something resurrects the tree every time it dies. Doesn’t that symbolize both baptism and Christ birth and resurrection?
What about the animals, take dogs for instance. Its weird how a dog can love you, protect you, be loyal to you, respond to you no matter what you do, if you yell at the dog or treat it unfairly, isn’t that animal yet there to greet you at the door the very next day—wagging its tail as if nothing ever happened? Does this not remind you of the prodigal son parable? Wasn’t the father loving and loyal to his son, and the son treated him as if he was dead by asking for is inheritance so he can squander it, yet the father was waiting with open arms as if nothing has happened. Isn’t this a wonderful picture of God as the loving father and a example of how we should love one another using divine love?
Just think about how things are wonderfully made. The human body has holes everywhere, yet liquid does not leak out, nor does liquid seep in. The Complex structure of the human body cannot be denied on how wonderfully perfect it is made. Even though we are under a sin curse, it is still magnificently made.
Speaking of the body, we eat pleasant things, our favorite meals and desserts and whatnot and yet the waste is exited out of our body. This waste, or feces, is harmful to us and we need it to exit our body. Not just that, but if lay in feces it will eventually cause infections. Isn’t this what God wants to show us in regard to sin; to what sin is and how has to exit our lives?
Think on it.
What about the beauty of creation, ever look at a mountain top in the distance with a trace of clouds and snow on it and think wow that is beautiful? Its just a rock right, but somehow it never gets old staring at it. Or how about the perfect sunset? Never gets old, even though its just our region rotating our of view. We will drive hundreds of miles just to get a look at the Grand Canyon; and all that is is a long crevasse in the ground, yet it is remarkable to behold.
You ever see God rays coming out of clouds or a big rainbow with its bright colors? What about a waterfall, Niagara falls for instance. Just simply beautiful.
Ever drive down a road with the trees and grass covered in snow. Just fascinating. Our best sculptures, paintings or skyscrapers cannot rival God’s beautiful creation.
And yet doesn’t all of this remind you of how the scripture says we will see the glory of God, we will never tire of it and He will radiate beauty for eternity—it will never get old.
How about one more; look at the birds, they can create such well made nests yet possess no hands. How do they do it. These nests are extremely high off the ground. Birds lack hands to carry materials, they don’t manufacture the nest materials and they can craft with no hands. And can yet navigate the sky with finesse and sense danger before we can. Such a wonderful creature can only be a meticulously designed created being. A testament to the detail that only a God can give.
I can go on and on, cows, whatever.
The next time your friends or people you know go on about how there is no God, tell them to open their eyes and look around sometime. Tell them to look past the science and consider what they see with plain human eyes.
Remember God will hold us accountable; you better do yourself solid and forgo the excuse that there isn’t a God.
We all know better.
My name is Jermaine and I talk to you next time.