A Podcast that focuses on exposing and correcting current Christian/Church dogmas, teachings, misconceptions, and scripture interpretations; while using the Bible as the correcting tool.
Christian Capsules: Season 2 Debut
Season two begins with an update on my literary works' timeline and the fundamentals of Christianity before the heavy lifting of season two begins.
Fixing Christianity one dose at a time.
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Fix the Christianity one dose at a time. Cue the intro.
Welcome everyone to Christian Capsules season two debut edition. Welcome back for all my season one people and welcome for the first time people listening to this uh podcast. Now the first thing I want to revise is a few things. That I said in the last capsule. I introduced two literary works that I'm working on that are slated to come out later this year.
Well, due to a personal situation, the timelines of said works have been slightly extended. Um, the nonfiction is now set to come out in the summer this year instead of early spring. And the fiction short story is going to come out in early 2025 instead of the end of the year. Now, be sure to subscribe to Christian Capsules via your favorite podcast so you can receive notifications.
Christian Capsules is on every podcast outlet. It's on Apple, Google, Amazon, Spotify, iHeart, you name it. So just be sure to subscribe so you can receive up to date notifications. The purpose of Christian Capsules was to fix things broken within American Christianity. It also seeks to teach things never taught or taught incorrectly within our churches.
But before I can get into heavier issues, I feel like that we need to talk about the fundamental first. So, this capsule starts the year off by talking about the most fundamental thing. And that question is, Why do we, or people, need the Gospel? Why do we need the gospel? That is the question that is asked.
Much of the world, they don't even think they need Jesus, or even God for that matter. I mean, to them, what does Jesus offer over what people can get in the world already? Why should people redirect their pursuit of money, power, and sex to the pursuit of the kingdom? And before we can answer that We need to understand, what did the introduction of sin do?
Adam and Eve were created perfectly. They were going to live forever. However, they fell to temptation and their sin has had massive ramifications upon all of creation. God cursed man and the earth that day of the fall. This is from Genesis chapter 3 verse 17b it says curses the ground because of you and then chapter 3 verse 19a says for dust you are and to dust you will return sin also separated God and man and it keeps us separated.
Adam and Eve had enjoyed a close relationship with God for years in the garden but now that relationship was shattered. Because rebellion had entered in and a wide gulf or division between God and man was formed. This gulf between God and man is unrepairable by man. Because at that point man inherited a sin virus.
And that is because sin is now imputed onto each one of us until the end of time. This means we are born with sin attached to us from the very start. So everyone born after Adam and Eve, has sin attached to them, what gives us our much talked about sinful nature, our propensity to sin, if you will. This propensity to sin keeps us in a terrible rut of having our sins pile up like trash at a landfill.
And that, in and of itself, would be a huge problem by adding the fact that man wants to be his own god and loves his freedom to sin. However, the issue is even more compounded by the fact that fallen angels are aiding in our demise in hopes of punishing the Creator for loving us so much. And now, none of this rebellion biz goes without consequences.
Mass rebellion against God, which is the definition of sin, has severe ramifications. The world is cursed and so is mankind. This means that as the world ages, we incur more and more physical and mental deficiencies, diseases, and deformities. Now leaving out the fact that we die, and when we do die, we go to the grave.
Sheol in Hebrew or Hades if you're using Greek. But I want you to keep this in mind that this is all before the Jesus factor. Now after we die comes judgment. You know, the big court day that will see us judged for eternity. And since the wages of sin is death, Thank you, Romans. We are sentenced to the lake of fire or Gehenna if you're using Hebrew.
There is no escape in it. All our deeds are written in books. And before anyone goes out saying, well I'm a good person, I'm a good guy, you know, this would never happen to me. I would say, you're only good by your own standards and not by God's. Go back and read the law in the Old Testament and you will find out that no one has successfully obeyed it all.
And even if you did manage not to succumb to pride, or you managed not to steal your siblings things, or you never looked at someone with lust, or you never thought that someone should die, or you never lied to your parents about eating those cookies that your mom baked before dinner, or if you managed not to break any other of the 600 and some odd laws, you would still have the imputed sin from birth.
Sticking to man like honey sticks to a dog's fur. So to sum it up, the lake of fire, or Gehenna, would have been the end of us all for eternity. But fortunately for us, God stepped in. Because I tell you, the endless animal sacrifices of the Old Testament only served as a temporary covering for our sins.
You know what happens when you temporarily cover something, right? Try putting a tarp on a roof with a hole in it. Yeah, you're going to get a temporary covering for a minute, but it is no way an ideal, permanent situation. That hole is still there. Animals can get in, precipitation can get in the house.
Temperature could wise or fall or try dirty diapers, putting them in a garbage can or diaper genie. Yeah, it works for a minute, but eventually that stuff has gotta be gotten rid of. Let's face it, before God stepped in, man was doomed. Now enter the gospel. God came with the perfect sacrifice. The Lamb who takes away the sin of the world.
To quote John the Baptist. And those who repent and make Jesus their Lord over their lives will have their record expunged and welcomed into the kingdom as an heir to God. But understand this. It is not just your afterlife that benefits from the gospel. Your day to day does as well. Jesus is the great healer and provider Jesus can deal with your anxiety, your self esteem Having a real father figure when your earthly ones fail Jesus gives you life, a real sense of purpose, a reason to live now and not just in the hereafter you're cared for in love and That love pours out to others who have never experienced True divine love.
Suddenly, living is not just a view of death and taxes, but a new lease and appreciation for what the Lord has done for us. In short, this is why man needs the gospel. The restoration of our broken relationship to an all loving creator is the reasoning that anybody would need for the gospel. This is why man should redirect the pursuit of a world of things that will fade away to dust.
To a substance that will give life, both now and forever. It is written, man should not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God, Matthew 4. 4. This is Jermaine Ferrell, and I'll talk to you next time