Christian Capsules: Season 1 Finale New Years Eve

Jermaine Ferrell Season 1 Episode 7

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This Capsule goes over a few things about 2023; Some other works that I have coming in out 2024 and what are some Capsules that are coming in Season 2 mid-January. 

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 Fixing Christianity, One Dose at a Time.  Que the intro. 

Welcome everyone to Christian Capsule number 7. This is the New Year's Eve 2023 Season 1  Finale. Today I want to cover a few things about 2023.  Uh, some other works that I have coming out in 2024. And uh, one of some capsules. That are set to come out in season two starting in mid january Okay, first up 2023  this year sees the Continuation of many disturbing things in the American church.

I tried to cover a few of them in season one  But there are still things like the lack of gratefulness  Arrogance and entitlement of Christians  false teachings and Only loving them who only love us or look like us. Those things seem to plague American Christianity even to this day. However,  one of the biggest problems in the American church is the rampant living for Sunday and not living for God every other day of the week.

I'll repeat that. It's the living for Sunday only and not living for God every other day of the week. I mean, I hear the questions all the time. Are you going to church this Sunday? And my reply is always the same.  Are you going to live for God this week?  It's a plague that makes unbelievers hate the church or at best call us hypocrites.

I mean you can't Be all about the church with your hands raised in the air your voices lifted high Loving our Christians on Sunday and then Monday through Saturday swearing at work treating your spouse bad being ungrateful selfish And then not helping the unfortunate that cross paths with you every day.

It's a damaging witness. When we do that, we appear as Pharisees and as scribes. And there is no way that anyone will want to repent when they see us act like that. That circle, that Sunday only for God and then Monday through Saturday for ourselves.  God hates that circle. That American Christian circle that's repeated on and on and on. 

God hates it, and he talks about it in Amos chapter 5, or you can read about it in Isaiah chapter 1. I mean, in fact, I'm going to read you a small portion from Isaiah chapter 1. This is from Isaiah chapter 1, verses 15 through 17.  It says, when you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you.

Yes, even though you offer many prayers, I will not be listening. Your hands are covered with blood.  Wash yourselves. Make yourselves clean. Remove the evil of your deeds from my sight. Stop doing evil. Learn to do good. Seek justice. Repute the oppressor. Obtain justice for the orphan and plead for the widow's case. 

I'll just leave it right there.  Now, Season 2, which starts by the way in mid January, will concentrate on some of the things that I talked about in Season 1. As well as a certain emphasis on topics like Possession and exorcism.  Uh, did Christ go to hell or not?  The Sabbath day.  Common misinterpretations of scripture. 

Are the Roman Catholic Church teachings biblical?  Political influence upon Christians. Recent archaeological biblical finds. The discernment of certain Christian leaders and their teachings. And much, much more. Season 2, God willing, will be huge. So, make sure to subscribe via your favorite podcast so you can be notified of these releases.

Christian Capsules is on every podcast outlet. Apple, Google, Amazon, Spotify, etc. Also for 2024, we'll see me releasing a couple of things in the pipeline. The first is the non fiction.  And that is currently being written, and it will probably see release late March or early April. Uh, this book is an easy read, probably around the 200 page mark, and basically expands upon some of the topics that were talked about in Season 1 of the Christian Capsules.

But, also included are corrections of the current false Christian teachings, a lot of biblical truths that go against the grain of the typical Christian church. Uh, one example of the every chapter talks about the correlation of Jonah and Jesus. Another chapter talks about the importance of Moses. I have a chapter in there that talks about demons and how they can rule regions and have, and can impede their rapid response to prayers. 

Uh, I have a chapter that talks about what missions really looks like. And I touch on hell and the abyss. This book is as of yet, untitled.  But you're going to want to pick this up when it drops later this spring. Uh, I'll have more info on it as we draw closer to its release.  The other work that I'm, um, releasing later this fall is a Christian based short story. 

Uh, this focuses on a realm that's not usually seen.  And, and it has, it contains things about principalities and powers that rule behind the scenes. And it has its influence on human life.  It's based on reality and includes many scoocher based truths that will raise your eyebrows. While fictional, it mimics real life.

Again, this is not titled as of yet. And it's looking for release, God willing, November, December of 2024.  So to recap, I have two literary works in the pipeline for this upcoming year. And then I have season two. Of christian capsules kicking off in the middle of january. So I wanted to keep this short. So i'll end it here  Happy new year's to everyone.

Be careful. Be safe  And i'll see you in 2024