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Christian Capsules: Demonology & Witchcraft
This episode focuses on the meteoric rise of infatuation with witchcraft and demonology.
Fixing Christianity one dose at a time.
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Fixing Christianity one dose at a time. Que the intro.
Hey, everybody. Welcome to Christian capsule number six And as always you can contact me at Christian capsules at gmail. com For premium content, you can go over to our Patreon which is patreon. com slash Christian capsules, and then you can go to our website, which is www.christiancapsules.buzzsprout.com And again, as always, our scripture is read from the NESB 95 update edition.
And today's episode focuses on the meteoric rise and infatuation with witchcraft and demonology. It seems like everywhere you look, it's new age this and that. Witchcraft this and that, the occult this and that. It's basically this generation. Has an overall unquenchable thirst for all things demonic.
From numerology to the Kabbalah, to masonry, new age, occultism, and witchcraft. This generation is extremely obsessed with it. And I have to say that this reeks of Revelation chapter 9. And, briefly paraphrased, it's basically talking about how demons were let out of the abyss. And the demons that were let out are of the vilest kind.
They're the same ones that caused Genesis chapter 6 to happen. And, with the Nephilim and all that, and it's the same place, the abyss, that the legion of demons that Jesus cast out, they were begging not to go to. Uh, check Luke 8, 31. Excuse me. They begged Jesus. Not to send them into the abyss, but instead, to send them into a herd of pigs.
Yes, it is that same abyss that Revelation chapter 9 talks about. And I have to think that these demons are linked somehow to this generation's obsession with all things demon. And I gotta tell you, I mean, little does this generation know, that your obsession with the occult and witchcraft, it invites demonic activity within your life.
I mean, this curiosity will absolutely ruin you. It will ruin you. It'll drag you further and further from God and it'll put you in league with the same slime that wants to see you obliterated. Alright? I mean, I can't make that clear. Your obsession with a cult and witchcraft will put you in bed with the same evil that wants to see you dead and destroyed.
Nothing good can come from this. Trust me, I know this from personal experience, and I'll tell you. So, I used to be into demonology. I had all the grimoires, I had the Key of Solomon and the Goetias. I owned the Kabbalah, I had tarot cards, I even owned the Egyptian Book of the Dead, for those who don't know, which is a guide to the demonic afterlife, or the second death.
I had all these, and all these things led me to study the ancient mysteries. And eventually, the Celestial Sciences, which is called the Math of the Heavens. Bottom line is, what I'm trying to say is, as a result of my demonic knowledge, I became disassociated with morality and even reality. And then this resulted in me joining the Militia.
Um, and then, but, but most importantly, I was far, far from God. I was in, I mean, I was literally in bed with Yahweh's enemies, and they loved me for it. So much so, that I watched in real-time as one of my friends turned from this fun-loving person into someone who was touched and influenced by demons. The same person tried to murder my best friend.
Yeah, I said that. They tried to murder my best friend. And then ultimately, they were committed to a mental institution. All this because they were too nosy and curious about my highly potent materials, which were my books and my tarot cards. Let me tell you a story about a man named John Faustus, or some people may know him as Johann Faust.
He lived during the 1500s. This man was a renowned Bible scholar, a doctor of theology who, uh, who flirted with the demon Mephistopheles. Because of his unquenchable thirst for magic, this demon saturated his desire with temporary tricks and magical sideshow acts until he was ultimately ripped to pieces after his contract with the demon became due.
Even a Doctor of Theology was no match for the power of a demon and his appetite for knowledge and magical, um, abilities. clouded his judgment and put a veil over his soul and blinded him from the light of God. And then he was ripped apart for it later in his life. No one's immune to the power of a demon once you're invited into your life.
Fortunately, there are some success stories. Uh, take Kat Von D. She's a famous American tattoo artist, musician, entrepreneur, etc. She was on a Christian podcast recently talking about how she turned from the New Age and occult to Christianity. And she said, um, uh, many interesting things. But a few things stood out.
The first thing that she said was that she used to experiment with a lot of different things in what we Christians would call the occult realm. Like she used to deal with crystals, like occult books, witchcraft, New Age stuff, tarot. Uh, I think she's mentioned Medicaid, um, uh, I'm sorry. Uh, meditations and stuff like that.
But she just said that she felt like something was missing in her life. She couldn't, she was just gravitating between one thing to another thing. She couldn't find something that would fulfill her. So she was just going from one thing to the next. And another thing that she said was that once she became saved, she threw away all her occult books and materials.
Uh, and she posted this journey online that she does everything. And people were arguing with her about how she was throwing things of value away, she shouldn't throw it away, what a waste. And I think one time she said a person actually showed up at her house who was demon-possessed and tried to get the books from her, from her garbage can.
Um, and then I think, I'm pretty sure, I think she said now that she's working on covering up all her tattoos, which were tattoos of like pagan, pagan symbols and occult symbols. So now she's just like, covering everything with black ink to cover up all the Those symbols, and then it's like in the places that she doesn't have occult symbols.
She's turning into that into flowers So it's basically she's just getting rid of everything in her life. That was occult and Satanic based and turning and just going hardcore into God. She's just going full-fledged into the Lord. She said that Keeping that stuff around. It's just a recipe for disaster and that having a kid in the house His curiosity will get the best of him And he would go down the path that she did.
And I'm going to say this, like for the wrap up. Um, the state of man, as an unbeliever, is already at its worst state. Even without the added lure of demonology. I mean, demons hate you. That's why they want you dead and in hell with them. So if you want to focus on something, then concentrate on salvation.
Because I'm telling you, everyone apart from Christ are just Walkers. They're dead men walking, and they don't even know it. They're aimlessly roaming the earth until they die both deaths. They're just daywalkers. So, repent and be saved, and let the dead bury the dead. If you know, you know. This is Jermaine, and I'll talk to you next time.